Thursday, January 21, 2010

Some Stuff about Knitting and Crocheting

So after I finished my hat, I started working on a scarf with the leftover yarn. I don't know if there's going to be enough, but I'm doing it anyway.

If you don't know how to knit or crochet but want to learn how, I advise going to youtube. Just look up "how to knit" or "how to crochet" or something. Also, I think the best person on youtube for crocheting stitches and projects is tjw1936 ( She has aLOT of helpful videos on crocheting. I don't know about knitting so you can just search for that. :)

I haven't worked on my skirt in a long time! I am going to make myself work on it tonight after dinner!

This has nothing to do with crafty stuff, but I LOVE this weather! The cold, grey, windy, rainy weather is the best!!! Especially when there's lightning like last night! :)

Well, nothing else to report, so adios amigos! :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crocheting a Hat: Part 2

I did it!!! I crocheted a hat without a pattern! And it doesn't look that bad, either! :) Here is a picture. I am wearing it now, and it is keeping me warm! :) Perfect timing for the upcoming storm! :) I LOVE cold, grey, rainy weather!!! :)Haha! Anyway, I will keep working on my skirt and sweater. The skirt is pretty quick and easy, but I haven't had a chance to work on it for a while because we were painting the room in which I am sewing it... But I can now! yay! And for the sweater I just need to keep knitting, just keep knitting, what do we do? we knit, knit! (From Finding Nemo, just with swimming instead of knitting. :)) Okey dokey then! Toodle-oo! ;) haha!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crocheting a Hat

You know that amazing friend I was talking about? Well, she inspired me to try to crochet something without a pattern. So I'm using leftover yarn to try to crochet a hat using only acquired knowledge from youtube. It looks ok so far, but its kinda turning into a hexagon... not exactly what I wanted, but it'll work! :) I'm started out by chaining 6 then I joined them to make a circle, then crocheted 2 in each stitch, then 2 in every other stitch, then 2 in every third stitch, and so on so forth. I'm gonna do that until it fits around the top of my head the just crochet all the way around and around until it's as "deep" as I want it. Hopefully it'll work! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sewing a Skirt: Part 2 and Other Crafty Stories

So I asked my Grandma and she said that she was planning on doing skirt A. I looked at the directions and it looks pretty easy. Today if I have time I will get out the sewing machine and all of the notions necessary to sew a skirt and get started. I think I should be able to do it on my own! :)

The pattern I'm using (the skirt in the front) and the fabric I'm using.

I slept over at my best friend's house two nights ago and we made charm bracelets! After spending a lot of time in Michael's looking for something to make, we came up with that idea and spent a lot MORE time looking for charms and the materials we needed. We ended up taking home some thin leather strips, some claw hooks and metal circles for the ends, and charms (lockets, flowers, "love" and "laugh", and birds). MearKat and I also got some bigger things to make necklaces. They turned out great! :D

MearKat and I also made and decorated a cake. You know the kind that you cover with fondant, that sugary cornstarch mixture. It was a blue present with yellow polka dots and a green ribbon. We brought it to home group/church and everyone loved it! :) I personally think that fondant is disgusting (unless you get the expensive stuff) but the little kids absoloutly loved the "playdough that you can eat"! ;)

My best friend is amazing! She can knit or crochet something without a pattern! In fact, she is so amazing that she desn't even need to know what size needle/hook she is using or anything! She basically just gets yarn and starts creating. I wish I could do that! I need a pattern or else it would take a million mess ups to make a simple thing... I'll just keep practicing and maybe I can get there one day... :)

P.S. This is my first blog with pictures, so if it's all messed up, you'll know why! ;)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sewing a Skirt: Part 1

I looked through a little pile of sewing patterns I have and found the one for a skirt that my grandma got (Butterick pattern B5330), along with some fabric we were going to use for it. The only problem is that there are three skirts on the package and I don't know which one she was planning on doing. I would like to do the longest or second longest one, but alas! I don't know how much fabric she got. I don't know, maybe I'm stupid, but I can't seem to figure out how much! I've measured it but I'm not sure which way is which and it's all very confusing... One way was fifty-some inches while the other way (folded in half) was 42in or something... She must have washed it so it probably shrunk a little bit, but I still can't figure out if it's 45" fabric or 60" fabric OR how long it is... I guess I'll have to either consult youtube or e-mail my Grandma for the answer... I'll report once I have received an answer! =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My First Post

Hmm... I have a blog. Now to keep it going! (I never finish anything... haha)

Since I love sewing, knitting, crocheting, and cross stitching (not to mention cooking which will be a different blog), I decided to make my first blog about these things. For most of my friends, this blog would be the most boring thing ever!!!! haha! At least I have some who at least knit and crochet. :)

I have found that the best place for free knitting and crocheting patterns would be Lion Brand ( or Michael's ( I actually haven't made that many things yet; I am working on a sweater, I've knitted a couple of scarves and a hat, and I've crocheted little things but nothing big. There are many things I want to make (a cute stuffed crochet bunny on Lion Brand, for example), but I never can get to the store or I just procrastinate too long and forget about it...

My Grandma taught me how to sew, and she, being a experienced sewer, said that McCall's patterns are the best. She says that Simplicity is kind of crappy. So don't buy Simplicity patterns!! ;) (By the way, Butterick and Vogue are owned by McCall's owners I think)

I've recently been itching to sew something. I don't know why, but I really want to!!! Anyway, I got my stuff up from the guesthouse and as soon as I have time, I will look at the patterns I have and see what I can sew. I think I have a pattern for a skirt along with the fabric, thanks to my Grandma! :)

Well, I'm off to knit my sweater! (By the way, I will try to write on here a couple times a week, or whenever I think of something to do with all this)