Sunday, July 18, 2010

A DELICIOUS Summer Dessert

So one summer day MearKat was making cinnamon butter and I had the idea of peach cobbler but then someone had the idea of peaches sauteed with cinnamon and sugar so we made some! :) They were heavenly delicious! Here is the (very easy) recipe:

2 fresh peaches or nectarines
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 -1 teaspoon cinnamon (depending on how cinnamon-y you want it)
3 tablespoons sugar (more if you want it more on the saucy side)

Slice the peaches or nectarines directly into a skillet. Add the butter and turn heat on to medium high. Once the butter melts and it is sizzling, add the cinnamon. Once the cinnamon is mixed in, add the sugar and cook until the peaches or nectarines are as soft as you want and there is a sticky sauce in the pan. Serving suggestion: toast some bread and butter with cinnamon butter (butter, cinnamon, and sugar) and place hot peaches (or nectarines) and sauce on toast.
It's as simple as that, folks!
I forgot to take a pic; they got eaten up so fast! :)
Well anyway, enjoy!

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