Monday, September 13, 2010

Make Your Own Applesauce!

(sorry the pic is so blurry...)

I love applesauce! Especially when it's homemade from apples from your own tree.

Here is an easy recipe for making your own homemade applesauce:

A ton of apples (homegrown is best, but of course store bought works just as well. :) I think ours were granny smiths or a similar apple)
Lemon juice

So core and cut up a bunch of apples (you can peel them if you want, but I didn't bother), put them in a big pot with some sugar (just a bit, you don't need much), cinnamon, lemon juice (if you want), and water (enough to have like an inch or so of water in the bottom of the apples).
Start cooking the apples for a long time on medium-ish heat, stirring every once in a while, until they are all soft and cooked down (if it starts to stick to the bottom too much turn down the heat, and if it seems too thick, add more water). Now taste it! Add more sugar, cinnamon, or lemon juice if needed. When it looks and tastes like applesauce, it's done! I prefer homemade applesauce cold, but just out of the pot is good too. :)


1 comment:

  1. Ummm the pic got cut off... I don't know how to fix it so deal with it! ;)
